Uroplatus ebenaui
Boettger, 1879
Uroplatus ebenaui is currently the smallest known species of Uroplatus, achieving a maximum adult body size of 63 mm. Among the leaf-like Uroplatus species, U. ebenaui is characterised by this small size, a very short tail (12–23 mm), and a black oral mucosa.
The species is most similar to U. fiera, U. fotsivava, U. kelirambo, and U. fotsivava, but its dark black oral mucosa and short tail allow for reliable distinction from all of these with comparative ease.

Basic Ecology
Like all members of the leaf-like Uroplatus group, U. ebenaui is an arboreal, nocturnal gecko that rests during the day among dead leaves. Its diet in the wild has not been studied, but undoubtedly consists of various invertebrates, including snails.

Range and Distribution
Uroplatus ebenaui was originally described from Nosy Be, but it also occurs in lowland forests stretching from Ankarafantsika to Montagne d’Ambre in the north. It is not found in Ankarana National Park, where Uroplatus sp. Ca5 occurs instead. In fact, it observes mostly strict allopatry with other members of the leaf-like Uroplatus: in Montagne d’Ambre, it is separated in elevation from U. finiavana (which is always higher in elevation). To the east, it probably borders on the distribution of U. fotsivava and maybe Ca3 and Ca4.
Uroplatus ebenaui is a species of relatively dry, lowland dry deciduous forest. These forests are hot, up to an average maximum temperature of 29°C in the rainy season, 25°C in the dry season. These geckos are usually found 1–5 m above the ground.
Captive Care
Uroplatus ebenaui are a moderately easy species to care for and breed in captivity. Due to their origins they can tolerate dryer and warmer conditions making them a more forgiving species in captive collections. Summer temps can reach into the upper 80’s while winter temps can drop down as low as 55f. I recommend a small spot lamp if the winter temps don’t rise above 65 during the day.
They prefer a more deciduous environment that does not stay very wet for long. Misting should be done in after lights out but it’s important that the substrate dries during the day. If conditions are too wet they may be reluctant to mate or lay eggs in their enclosure.
Uroplatus ebenaui will breed at a very young age. We have collected and hatched eggs from females that were just 6 months old. They can also be very prolific once they get going so it’s highly important to supplement the females and growing juveniles with extra calcium. We provide UVB to all of our Uroplatus and I highly advise UVB for U.ebenaui especially. Species from these warmer and dryer climates seem to require more UVB exposure than the more tropical/temperate species.
True Uroplatus ebenaui can be found in the hobby, but the similar looking Uroplatus fiera are often misrepresented as true Uroplatus ebenaui and keepers need to be careful to correctly identify which species they have before any pairing or mating.
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